Greg McColl Motorsportmind | Rating 4 (1) |
https://motorsportmind.com | Launched: Jun 22, 2023 |
greg@motorsportmind.com | Share |
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Hi, I am Greg at Motorsportmind and this is the inner racing podcast by Motorsportmind.
Every month I give away free one of my mental skills in racing videos to help people with their mental skills performance development in the racing to improve the focus concentration, resilience, motivation and emotional self regulation to improve their performance that I do weekly for my driver and rider clients. This podcast is the audio version of the video.
On the first day of every month, you'll find a new podcast and a new video available online and in the exclusive Motorsportmind app you can download the app from the Google play store or the App Store and you can find the video on the link below and sign up to the newsletter and blog on motorsportmind.com
Get the motorsportmind app:
Google Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app.motorsportmind
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/motorsportmind/id1571326410
Don't Miss Out on More to Help Your Racing From Motorsportmind...
Get the best out of yourself and you racing by developing your mental skills - Don't miss out on tips, tools, strategies and content to help you get the edge and improve your racing performance:
Monthly Free Video: https://link.motorsportmind.com/monthly-free-video
Blog: https://motorsportmind.com/inner-racing-motorsportmind-blog/
Newsletter Signup: https://link.motorsportmind.com/newsletter-signup
I’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, questions, or suggestions by getting in touch at hello@motorsportmind.com or of course connecting with me on social media.
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